February Baby
Here are photos from February. In February Jade started rolling to her right, from her back to stomach only, needing to be rescued every 15 minutes. There were many more smiles and giggles to be had for all.
Bouncing around with Joshua, Jazmine and Harrison at Gymbaroo.
Helping Daddy study.
Our first trip to the pool.
Our little doll.
Tummy time is not so bad after all!
All the little munchkins visiting Amy.
Leo, Zoe, Katherine, Poppy, me, Jade and Hayley.
One morning Gideon let me sleep in, and when I got up later I was greeted by this extra cute little elf.
Contemplating the meaning of life.
Contemplating the tastiness of socks.
House party!!
Life or death decision: the ladybird or the bee?
Om nom nom…
Yummy carroty fingers.
Pouting papoose
Jade went through a couple of weeks in Feb when she pouted all the time. Does not bode well for the terrible twos.
Day trip to Collingwood Children’s Farm. Yeay!
Gideon and Jade make friends with a donkey
Pretty birdy
Smiley baby
I think she looks like Yoda in this photo
Behind bars
Mothers Group at the Royal Botanical Gardens