Pet Hate of the Day
When swimming there are several things I hate (from bad to worst):
- Morons
- Morons swimming a slow breast stroke in the medium lane
- Morons swimming a very slow breast stroke in the medium lane that I am swimming in
- Morons swimming an extremely slow breast stroke in the medium lane that I am swimming in that cause me to have to switch from freestyle to breast stroke because I have caught up with them
- Morons swimming an excruciatingly slow breast stroke in the medium lane that I am swimming in, causing me to switch from freestyle to breast stroke, that don’t stop to let me pass at the end of the lane even though I am close enough to squeeze their ugly butt by the time we reach the wall. Please refer to Diagram 1 (me in the silver cap!).

On the up side, I managed to get close to my swimming goal of the year of swimming 3km in an hour. For the first time I made 3km, but it was more like 75mins. I blame it on all the idiots who have the time to swim during the daytime and made me swap lanes 4 times to get away from them...of course that was the reason. ;-)
Poseidon: 2.5/5
Cast: Josh Lucas (
In a nutshell: Cross between Titanic and Armageddon, neither being truly great movies.
Synopsis: Freak wave causes huge cruise ship to overturn on New Year’s Eve. A small group of survivors try to escape before the ship sinks.
It is passable, however this feels like Titanic but without the mushy love story, or any character development for that matter. Why did they bother? I’m not a feminist, but it annoyed me that all the women were helpless and fragile. Twice I found myself happy that one of the characters died because they were a big pain in the arse. The highlight of the movie for me was the bright blueness of Josh Lucas’ eyes… dreamy… but not the stuff that movies are made of.
A moronic concept: In the US people can swim in "columns" or "circles". Weird. Get this; circles is how we'd normally swim, always sticking to the left (or right in the US!) side of the lane. That's fine. With columns however, you just swim up and down in the same side of the lane! So damn annoying because it means that only two people can swim in a lane at one time. Which is fine if the pool is empty but as the number of people increase you're forced to interrupt *two* people's swim and ask them to switch to "circles". Bloody stupid! Why not just always swim in "circles"? Crazy yanks. ;)
And I havent yet found a 50m pool - they're all 25m (well, 25 yards I guess).
Anyway. I'm sure you'll make 3km in an hour as soon as you can get all the morons out of your way! ;)
See you soon,
Matt, I am going to miss your observations on the crazy things that US people do. Swimming in "columns"? It even sounds stupid.
Anyway, look fwd to seeing you on common ground soon! g
hehehe..people around me at work were wondering what was sooo funny. Thanks for keeping me entertained .. :)
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