Spring has sprung... sort of.
Some yellow tulips that took shelter under a tree.
A red tulip that wasn't so lucky.
Welcome to my blog... Where those hard hitting questions are answered... or at least what movies are good!
Some yellow tulips that took shelter under a tree.
A red tulip that wasn't so lucky.
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6:30 am
awesome people's comments
This might give you a bit of a chuckle...
Last weekend, I was chilling out at home during the afternoon when there was a knock on the front door. When I opened the door, there was a guy, maybe in this early thirties, standing there, a clipboard in hand. I waited expectantly to hear what he was collecting for, surveying on or selling. He asked me, "Are your parents home?" I answered... "No". We looked at each other, me hiding a smile, him thinking of what to say next. He mumbled something like "Thanks", and then walked off. :D
Posted by
11:27 pm
awesome people's comments