Spring has sprung... sort of.
Hate to resort to weather talk on the blog, very cucumber sandwiches, but here goes...
Over the last week, the weather has been getting a little warmer. Plus with the change to daylight savings last week, and the blossoms on the trees, it really feels like spring. That is... until this morning.
After being woken by Gideon at a ridiculous time for a Sunday morning, 6.30am found me running around the house like a mad thing with my camera, opening windows and doors (and you know how much I love my sleep ins on Sunday mornings!). Here are some of the photos I took of the garden.
6.30am - the view from our bedroom window
Some yellow tulips that took shelter under a tree.
A red tulip that wasn't so lucky.
6.30 is a ridiculous time for any morning, let alone Sunday.
Nice pictures, though.
6.30??! Sunday mornings are made for sleeping in! hahaha Nice pics tho - love the tulip!
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