Blogging at the speed of
Just a very quick entry...
Hopefully tomorrow will bring a bigger and brighter blog entry about our trip to Falls Creek - complete with some pretty pictures. In the meantime....
Here are a couple of random photos and a couple of movie reviews:

Pop Trivial Pursuit in full swing
The Girls kicked arse!
(Although the boys did win Outburst)
Cast: Colin Farrell (Phone Booth), Jamie Foxx (Ray), Gong Li (Memoirs of a Geisha)
In a nutshell: Testosterone all the way
Brief Synopsis: Based on a 1980’s TV series. After a security breach and a few murders, the FBI recruit Two Miami cops go undercover as drug traffickers to find out who is responsible.
This is one for the boys. Cops, guns, cars, speedboats, gratuitous/graphic violence, and gratuitous (and clumsily done) sex scenes. The movie starts off great, with a very Collateral feel to it, Michael Mann manages to build up the tension and intrigue perfectly with some clever camera work and sound directing. Unfortunately, around 20-30 minutes in, when the romance kicks in, that’s where it loses us girls. That doesn’t seem to make much sense does it? It’s romance done badly – key factor – realistically Collin Farrell as Sonny, could not attract a moth if he was on fire… and yet he is supposedly a chick magnet, plus there just seems to be no chemistry between him and Isabella (Li), which makes quite a large chunk of the movie seem somewhat incredible. Perhaps it was just Colin Farrell, his acting is pretty woeful in this one, but I don’t think he can be blamed for all of it. Jamie Foxx has a smaller part, but he is ok in a part that doesn’t particularly stretch him at all. Sadly, once lost I could not be found, the rest of the movie was a bit of a laugh for me… and yet, I think a large majority of men will like this one.
Hoodwinked: 2.8/5
Cast (voices): Glen Close, Anne Hathaway, James Belushi, Patrick Warburton
In a nutshell: Nice to see a new kid on the block, but needs some more practice.
Brief Synopsis: Fairytale satire – someone is stealing all the recipes from the local food producers, who is the culprit?
This one is a little strange, and yet is very refreshing because it is neither a Pixar or a Dreamworks computer animated feature film. The tone and humour of the film is obviously different from what we are used to seeing in our cartoon diets, perhaps a little more adult, even more so than Shrek. A satire, the premise is clever, and the characters are attractive, in a more intriguing way rather than a cutesy way. However, the pace is not quite as quick and witty as its peers, many of the jokes appear in the trailer and most unfortunately one of the plot twists happens to be exactly the same as one in Over the Hedge which was released a couple of months previously. All in all, not a bad effort, but needs a bit more spit and polish.
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