Iceland Holiday Day 1

This is what happens at Heathrow after a 5am start to the day

Finally at the boarding gate - Iceland Yay!

It's cold out here - someone get me inside....please!
The Blue Lagoon is an entrepreneurial exercise taking advantage of the natural geothermal pools in the area and turning them into a day spa... and it was the perfect thing to do after the stresses of the last few days.

Gideon - handling the cold weather a little better than me - outside the Blue Lagoon
The Blue Lagoon is basicaly one huge pool filled with milky azure coloured water which contains minerals that are supposed to be good for the skin. On contemplation of visiting the lagoon we had decided against having any treatments due to the cost. However, friends who had visited Iceland only the week before recommended a massage. Although it cost about 30 pounds each, the 10 minutes massage was heavenly.
There was something magical about being there in the bath-like water as the steam rose into the crisp air and the sun set leaving a dusky sky.

We went straight from the Blue Lagoon to check in at our apartment, then headed out on a tour to find the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). Both of us were really looking forward to it, photos would indicate that the Lights light up the sky with an amazing bright green veil.
Having assumed that we would spend most of the tour on the bus, we weren't quite dressed for it. After about an hour of driving and stopping intermittantly, we finally stopped at a carpark far away from the city lights of Reykjavik. There, we stood in icy cold temperatures for an hour waiting for the lights to start and our appendages to drop off. To begin with it just looked like really pale white cloud on the horizon. With clear skies it was perfect weather to see the Northern lights, but the half moon was extremely bright and made it difficult to see the subtleties.
Can you see it? Can you?
After an hour of freezing our fingers off, so to speak, we had seen some hazy cloud-like wisps moving around slowly and it was time to go home somewhat disappointed.
On the way back to the city, we made one last stop on the side of the side of the road, and lo, there was some sort of green wisp growing and moving as if someone was painting a squiggle in the sky. Pretty cool - but anywhere near as spectacular as the pictures. Still, it had been quite a successful start to the trip.

There's a scene I saw on some TV show once where a group of people went on a holiday to the Antarctic and, while it was waaay below zero outside, they bathed in a naturally heated spa. I've always wanted to do that - the Blue Lagoon looks like a far more accessible option!
And I've always wanted to see the aurora australis so I'm pretty jealous you've seen the Northern equivalent, even if it was a little disappointing...
The weather is a little on the warmer side here than you've been getting - it's been up into the mid-high 30's here the past couple of days though there's a storm brewing tonight.
Hope you guys are having a ball over there!
Hey Matt. Great to hear from you. Are you glad to be back in Australia?
Stay tuned for more about the Iceland trip!
Iceland doesn't look as 'icey' as I thought it would be! The blue lagoon looks beautiful tho - looks like you guys are having a great time!
Very glad to be back. :)
I'm really looking forward to hearing more about Iceland!
Your posts rock Gayle. Puts my blogging to shame!
Thanks for the positive comments guys! The next instalment is coming shortly.. I promise!
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