The life of a baby is pretty tough. All this growing and learning, eating and sleeping makes the days fly past.
In the last couple of weeks Jade and I have been stepping out to try and mix it up a bit.
- Mothers’ Group has started up and will run every Friday for 6 weeks. If nothing else it is good to have something that makes you get out of the house each week. It’s a 45 minute walk each way, so I’m getting exercise. The other mother’s are lovely, and it’s handy hearing their experiences and tips and seeing what the other babies are doing.
- Mums & Bubs Session: We went and saw The Social Network a couple of weeks ago (see following post for review). With the lights left on dim you can feed and see what you are doing. Only, they forgot to leave the lights on at first, so it was dark and Jade threw up in the first 5 minutes. Luckily it was not a big one and we managed to make it through the rest of the movie, although somewhat smelly. The cinema was near empty so there was room to spread out, and it was good to not have to stress if your baby started to cry. I think I will definitely go back in future.
- Rhyme Time: On Thursday mornings our local library runs Rhyme Time (or Baby Karaoke, as it is called at Bulleen Library). One of the librarians takes the parents and children under 2 years old through a number of nursery rhymes and songs. Although she is a little young to partake as yet, Jade didn’t cry for the half hour, so I take that as a sign of success!
- A Week Away: Gideon was away this week for work, so we spent most of the week out at Gong-gong and Poh-poh’s house. Luckily Jade was flexible and seemed to bathe and sleep well there, which made me very happy as it meant I had some support if I needed it, and best of all, Mum’s delicious home cooked meals every night. She was particularly hypnotized by the view of the trees moving with the breeze and even put up with her Mum’s very rusty piano playing.
I can’t stop taking pictures of our little munchkin. As each day goes by she gets more animated and it is harder to pick favourites. So here is a well culled selection:

Good morning Mummy!! Have you come to feed me?

Sitting practice with Daddy. No need to look so forlorn little Jade!

More learning how to sit. Somehow Sitting Jade always looks smaller and cuter than Horizontal Jade!

One day she spent a large portion of her waking hours staring at her fist.

Fist sucking is also a favourite hobby of late.

In the portacot at Gong-gong & Poh-poh’s. That’s not a sleepy face!

Reading Cat in the Hat with Daddy. Very focused.
I think Jade looks like a toy doll in this photo!

Usually Jade gets overtired around 5-6pm each day, and this is the result.

*Sigh* – what a busy day.