Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy NT Day!

It's Territory Day today, and it's crazy here. It's the one day of the year when fireworks are legal, and every second shop (literally) has a big banner outside advertising sale of fireworks (sales seem to be allowed on both Sat and Sun this weekend). We just came back from the Asian Grocery store and there were queues of people inside purchasing boxes of fireworks. Yesterday some people a couple of houses away had already started letting them off, so I can only assume that tonight there is going to be lots of banging going on!


Anonymous said...

Wow you get a legal fireworks day!! I'm so jealous! I can't remember if I've ever seen real fireworks.. How much longer are you in Darwin for?

Anonymous said...

I demand fireworks!!!

Gayle said...

Sorry for the late reply guys... am leaving Darwin today!

As for the fireworks... after about an hour of banging, they sort of get annoying... perhaps we should have spent $50 and bought ourselves a box!

Did you see the news. One guy lost and eye, and possibly the other. Injuries happen every year, not sure it's such a great idea!

They do look pretty though!