Nei Ho from Hong Kong!
Errrr.... quick bleary eyed blog from HK airport.
We've flown about 10 hours so far. Thank goodness we are in business class, because I'm feeling vaguely ill, and at least business class is comfortable and spacious. The Sky Beds are awesome! Might be because I tried to stay up as late as possible and only gone in about 4 hours sleep. Might be because I have eaten too much. Might be because no matter how much I drink I still feel dehydrated. At least we get a short break here to just chill a bit.

Gideon enjoying the comfort at the Melbourne Qantas Club lounge.
The plane was almost 1.5hrs late to start.
Plenty of time to enjoy Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars!
Blades of Glory: 2.5/5
Cast: Will Ferrell (Stranger than fiction), Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite)
In a Nutshell: Cross between the Cutting Edge and Zoolander, but not quite as good as either.
Brief Synopsis: Two male enemy iceskaters at the top of their game get suspended from the circuit, and finda loophole that allows them to compete in the pairs skating.
Stock standard sposh for Ferrell, silly slapstick humour that is sometimes hilarious, and sometimes just stupid. Your level of enjoyment will depend a lot on your mood at the time of viewing. I was watching this at about 2am EST, so perhaps my sense of humour was somewhat subdued. But lets face it, an all male pairs skating team... it's comedy gold, you can hardly go wrong. Ferrell does his usual thing, and Heder is not bad as the other main character (there's something about him that I just like). However it was Will Arnett, of Arrested Development fame, who was a standout for me as one of the members of the arch rival pairs team.
Any that's all for now.... signing off from HK. g xoxo
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