XS, S, M, L and XXL News

We have had a pole installed in our bedroom.... cool. Unfortunately, it's not that exciting. Gideon put a support pole in the closet because the shelf looked like it might break under the weight of our clothes!

The dance scene is not huge in Darwin. There is no swing or Le Bop. There are a few places that teach ballroom and there are two places that teach Salsa - both at a beginner to intermediate standard - it's still fun, but not very challenging.
There is one guy who teaches Argentinian Tango - Gideon and I have been going to learn something new. Acho seems like authentic teacher, and sometimes we are the only people in the class. I LURVE Tango. Incidently, for those in Melbourne, take advantage of Fabio and Ana (who are lovely) at Back to Back, Nicholson St, the 2005-06 Australian Champions. Chris & Christina at Viva Dance are also awesome. Last week we met 3 good looking doctors at Tango (lol), one Brit, one from Perth, and the other I recognised! I had danced salsa with him before in Melboune! People in Darwin are never from Darwin!
Anyway, where was I? Oh, once a month there is a bit salsa social. Although, they play all sorts of music - rock n roll, samba, chacha, bachata... depends on the crowd. And they do some really basic progressive dances so everyone can have a go (lol - takes me back to Primary School barn dances and Yr 9 Prac Dancing!). I had some good dances, which kept me buzzing for a few hours!

All dressed up - at least by Darwin Standards!
1. Gideon's appropriately funny t-shirt - you may have to zoom in
2. I even flicked my hair out with product - Gideon said I looked like a cartoon character!
3. Very cool and glamourous earrings - thanks Matt & Mel - I love them!
4. Sexy new jeans! Well, I like them.
5. My bargain Esprit Dress - good for spinning in!
6. Newest addition to shoes I can dance in - Nine West - they are awesome!
For his 30th birthday (it's on Feb 11 for those who wish to send him messages! ("or presents!", he says)), Gideon got this brand spanking new BBQ from his parents. It's a Weber Baby Q, and it's so very cute!! It's actually a gas Weber - yes, they make gas BBQ's!
Am still looking for work. :( Unfortunately I was knocked back on a job I really wanted. I've been applying for a lot of Government jobs, but I'm coming to the conclusion that they are very slow to respond and that their jobs seem to go to internal applicants.
However, as a result of a couple of other jobs I applied for, I heard back from two employment agencies last week, who are both kindly on the look out for me, and already there are a few interesting possibilities! I did some computer testing at Chandler Macleod (typing, Word and Excel) and apparently I got the highest scores they've ever seen - obviously the standard is not that high in Darwin!
Then, there's been an added complication...
I'm going to the UK after all!! A massive congratulations to Gideon who has been accepted into a course in the UK... which means that we are moving to England in July/August!!!!!! What it also means, is that with planned trips to Melbourne in March, Broome in June and then the UK in July/August... I can't really apply for a permanent position without feeling terribly guilty! So it looks like I may be temping for the next 6 months... which is not ideal, but then given the type of work available, might be a bit more interesting than a permanent position. We will see what happens!
So that's my big news. And this entry is starting to get very long and boring, so I will sign off... with of course a movie review.
Much love to everyone at home in Melbourne.... and other places too!
gayle xoxo
Movie Review
Miss Potter: 3.25/5
Cast: Renee Zellwegger (Cold Mountain, Bridget Jones), Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge), Emily Watson (Punch-Drink Love, Gosford Park).
In a nutshell: A lovely little movie, but nothing of particular consequence.
Brief Synopsis: The story of how Beatrix Potter became famous and the ups and downs surrounding that time.
Having misread the cinema timetable, I was quite disappointd to find that I would not be seeing Hugh Grant make a fool of himself in Music & Lyrics at least until Valentines Day, and instead settled for Miss Potter. Thus, my expectations were low, and I ended up having quite a pleasant Saturday Morning in the company of Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddleduck and the like. There's nothing outstanding about this biography, but it is quite a lovely story that leaves you feeling vaguely satisfied and optimistic by the end. I had a bit of a cry, which for me is usually a good indication of a well put together (sometimes deliberately manipulative) movie. Zellwegger is getting better at the British accent, and is more likeable than her Bridget Jones alterego, and McGregor and Watson are both scrumptious as Potter's publisher/love interest and his sister, respectively. Bit like an English tea really - polite, warm and comforting.
Wow, congratulations to Gideon! And yourself of course too - it'll be a wonderful experience for the two of you! Very exciting!
I've got lots of questions (how long is the course, what is Gideon studying, *when will you guys be back*) but I'm sure we'll speak soon... :)
Good to know I have one blog reader! Yes, it will be exciting, we are both looking forward to it. The course is for 1 year, and Gideon is doing a Master of Science in Military Vehicle Technology. We we should back in a year and a bit, and it is most likely that we will be heading straight back to Melbourne! But that is a long way off. :)
Omg congratulations Gayle! How exciting! =)
Oh but now you'll be even further away (boo) ... but at least you'll be coming back (yay!)
I'm totally jealous!! You'll have a great time - do keep blogging and let us know how you go =)
Thanks Jacelyn! Definitely will keep blogging, and hopefully will see you sooner than in 5 yrs time!
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